Bastyon Moderation System


Reports allow users to flag content as objectionable (post or comment and author). Reports can be sent by users with the "Shark" badge (see API).

The numeric value REASON is used to distinguish between complaints:

  1. Pornography

  2. Pedophilia - any even remotely suggestive images/videos/texts with children or adolescents

  3. Direct threat of violence

  4. Illegal narcotics - any positive or promotion of illegal narcotics

  5. Copyrighted content (with clear proof from the owner)

Conditions for creating a jury

Any flag can initiate the creation of a "jury". If the jury is initiated, all subsequent flags are ignored. To create a jury, the following rules are taken into account:

  • The account in question is not in an active ban

  • Number of flags with the same REASON, CONTENT_TX_HASH and ADDRESS_HASH must be >= [main:20, test:5, reg:2]

  • Search depth for similar flags FLAG_HEIGHT > (CURRENT_HEIGHT - [main:43200, test:4320, reg:10])


Payload structure
    "s2": "<CONTENT_TX_HASH>",
    "s3": "<ADDRESS_HASH>",
    "i1": "<REASON>"


The jury is not a transaction, it is a record in the database and contains the following fields:

  • juryid - Hash of the Flag that initiates the creation of the jury.

  • accountid - Address of the account, the author of the content.

  • reason - Numerical code of the reason for the complaint.

Together with the jury’s entry, the moderators are selected:

  • To filter the list of moderators, the transaction hash of the FLAG_HASH flag that initiated the creation of the jury is used.

  • The hash of the moderator account registration transaction ACCOUNT_HASH is used as moderator sorting.

  • To decide the jury’s question, TM accounts [main:80, test:6 reg:4] are selected

  • For an even distribution of moderators, accounts are selected according to the following conditions:

    • Selected TM/2 accounts where ACCOUNT_HASH < FLAG_HASH

    • Selected TM/2 accounts where ACCOUNT_HASH > FLAG_HASH


The moderator’s vote, which has two values 0|1 indicating whether the moderator agrees with the complaints or not. Any vote may initiate a jury verdict.

  • The verdict is positive if the vote satisfies the condition that it is the Nth positive vote [main:8, test:3, reg:2].

  • A negative verdict is issued along with the first negative vote of any moderator.

  • After a verdict (positive or negative) is passed, all votes are ignored.

  • A jury without a verdict is indefinite.


Payload structure
    "s2": "<JURY_ID>",
    "i1": "<VERDICT>"

JURY_ID - hash of the flag transaction that initiated the jury

VERDICT - numeric value 0|1

Ban Account

An account ban, like a jury, is not a transaction. It is a record in the database and contains the following fields:

  • Link to the voice initiating the blocking.

  • Link to the account, the author of the content.

  • Height of the end of blocking. The blocking period is determined based on the rules:

    • First lock - [main:43200, test:5000, reg:100] blocks

    • Second lock - [main:129600, test:10000, reg:200] blocks

    • Third lock - [main:51840000, test:15000, reg:1000] blocks

An account blocked by a node is not allowed to create Social transactions, but can create monetary transactions without restrictions.

Other accounts have the right to perform actions with a blocked account (put ratings, comments, etc.).

Rules for hiding content and accounts In developing

Accounts that are in the active jury, banned or have N active complaints should be hidden from the feed and search.


Badges definition

The getuserstate method returns, among other things, a badges object with a list of "badges" available to the user:

> /rpc/getuserstate <address>

    "result": "success",
    "data": {
        "badges": [

List of all jury

> /rpc/getalljury

    "result": "success",
    "data": [
        "id": "HASH",
        "address": "Address of profile",
        "reason": "REASON numeric value",
        "verdict": "Verdict - 0 or 1"

List of assigned jury for the moderator

> /rpc/getjuryassigned <address> <verdict - 0|1> <topHeight> <pageStart> <pageSize> <orderBy> <desc>

  "result": "success",
  "data": [
      "hash": "9f6cb0d0cd57d6227f38d70840eae89971bf44c74e4082914f9fd641dc573e52",
      "txid": "e32rr0d0cd57d6227f38d70840eae89971bf44c74e4082914f9fd641dc573e52",
      "id": 32,
      "address": "mzaEy5FGymhhk8bZd2NbeZiecW8ZLtVceb",
      "versions": [
              "h": 1054,
              "hs": "e32rr0d0cd57d6227f38d70840eae89971bf44c74e4082914f9fd641dc573e52"
      "jury": {
        "juryid": "5435230506fcb1951fd0e7384fb7cad5659a154856dd10258a8d77f243507f07",
        "height": 1064,
        "reason": 1

Here versions this is a list of transaction hashes of the edited versions of the content.

List of moderators assigned in the specified jury

> /rpc/getjurymoderators <juryid>

    "result": "success",
    "data": [
      "Address of profile",
      "Address of profile",

List of bans for specific address

> /rpc/getbans <address>

  "result": "success",
    "data": [
        "juryId": "HASH",
        "contentId": "HASH",
        "reason": 1,
        "ending": 2500000
        "juryId": "HASH",
        "contentId": "HASH",
        "reason": 2,
        "ending": 2600000

List of bans for specific address

> /rpc/getbans <address>

  "result": "success",
    "data": [
        "juryId": "HASH",
        "reason": 1,
        "ending": 2500000
        "juryId": "HASH",
        "reason": 2,
        "ending": 2600000

Get specific version of content

> /rpc/getcontent ["HASH", "HASH", ...] <address> <LAST - 0|1>

  "result": "success",
    "data": [

Notify about new jury assigned to author of content

txid - Flag transaction ID and Jury ID

	"addr": "TG69Jioc81PiwMAJtRanfZqUmRY4TUG7nt",
	"msg": "event",
	"txid": "0080c9a54b94b7e0602486e41c18a8f54bf3ed4b29508dbef58c20021fd5852d",
	"time": 1706521030,
	"contentHash": "cb4866f11e1ba2087364600fcd0c316373639e18223da63ddd9b6115e2313088",
	"contentRootHash": "cb4866f11e1ba2087364600fcd0c316373639e18223da63ddd9b6115e2313088",
	"contentType": "200",
	"mesType": "juryassigned",
	"reason": "2"

Notify about new ban for account

  "addr": "TLAvSHoNbeECY9S6Z7WBMyDT64WWHLm8d7",
  "msg": "event",
  "txid": "84858578a2ec42069dc4a0eb752c2d16229e52f65f1ccfd6de3bc77899eef71f",
  "time": 1706522294,
  "contentHash": "9a3f634be04c6ac190d01ca376711190925b819314c8dfa0753533a87ef87dea",
  "contentRootHash": "9a3f634be04c6ac190d01ca376711190925b819314c8dfa0753533a87ef87dea",
  "contentType": "200",
  "juryHash": "aeb2e47fb6dec5ebcb91299627e3f87ab37d60997f8a17c16972a4660e3de696",
  "mesType": "juryverdict",
  "reason": "1"