Bastyon Barter App (Barteron)

Pocketnet Transaction v2

В новой системе консенсуса предполагается гибкое использование транзакций. Это означает, что поля пэйлоада могут заполнятся клиентом в произвольном формате, кроме некоторых полей, которые используются для консенсуса.

Поля верхнего уровня используются для реализации правил консенсуса и будут валидироваться на уровне узла. Поля второго уровня (объект p, Payload) могут заполняться в свободной форме для реализации функционала приложения.

Для реализации нештатной логики данные Payload могут быть использованы узлом для индексации дополнительных таблиц. Соглашения о структуре данных должны быть описаны и согласованы с кодом приложения.

Barteron транзакции имеют переходную форму перед Transaction v2 и начинают использовать механизмы нового консенсуса и индексирования дополнительных данных.

Общая структура полей транзакции
  "s1": <ADDRESS>, # Reserved
  "s2": <VARIANT>, # Reserved
  "s3": <VARIANT>, # Reserved
  "s4": <VARIANT>, # Reserved
  "s5": <VARIANT>, # Reserved
  "i1": <VARIANT>, # Reserved
  "p": {
    "s1": <CUSTOM>,
    "s2": <CUSTOM>,
    "s3": <CUSTOM>,
    "s4": <CUSTOM>,
    "s5": <CUSTOM>,
    "s6": <CUSTOM>,
    "s7": <CUSTOM>

Barteron Account

Required payload elements:
  "p": {
    "s4": {
      // Allowed fixed account tags for barter
      "a": [
      "g": <GEOHASH>,
      "r": <RADIUS>

Barteron Offer

Required payload elements:
  "p": {
    "s1": "language",
    "s2": "caption",
    "s3": "description",
    "s4": {
      // General offer tag
      "t": <TAG>,
      // Allowed offer tags for barter
      "a": [
      "c": <CONDITION>
    "s5": [
    "s6": "location geohash",
    "s7": <not_used>
    "i1": <price>

Barteron APIs

Get accounts transactions

> /rpc/getbarteronaccounts [ <address1>, <address2>, ... ]
  "result": "success",
    "data": [
        "hash": "d574b6389d91c42b37cd8bc5ec257ceb803986ad38ebb83cf7fdabee34fe9af7",
        "type": 104,
        "height": 1063,
        "blockHash": "031e4da9305a5d9e8269155a9ad2586c4945bf560c89c2ee584663687a0fad4f",
        "time": 1690098322,
        "s1": "muA1gPR5JjsxZbeCj7HB2wrx4h3Ky8iHY3",
        "p": {
            "s4": "{\"t\": <TAG>, \"a\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], \"c\": <CONDITION>}"
        "additional": {
            "regdate": 1690012312,
            "rating": 35
rating is integer that represents float * 10, so 35 means that user rating is 3.5

Get address offers information

> /rpc/getbarteronoffersbyaddress <address>
  "result": "success",
    "data": [
        "hash": "2e3d9b2c5ee988c2462d4a9a35be6986e8124092b62adf651d0b7d7cbcd11697",
        "type": 211,
        "height": 1068,
        "blockHash": "d6893b30850b3fad44e0da7296d14e099fe6c8f3a54e26437d9a93b47bf403b4",
        "time": 1690198349,
        "s1": "n1GN91byHmHGvvKTsDp15dcQzF5cekVCPy",
        "s2": "2e3d9b2c5ee988c2462d4a9a35be6986e8124092b62adf651d0b7d7cbcd11697",
        "p": {
          "s4": "{\"t\": <TAG>, \"a\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], \"c\": <CONDITION>}"

Get offers information

> /rpc/getbarteronoffersbyroottxhashes [ <txhash1>, <txhash2>, ... ]
  "result": "success",
    "data": [
        "hash": "2e3d9b2c5ee988c2462d4a9a35be6986e8124092b62adf651d0b7d7cbcd11697",
        "type": 211,
        "height": 1068,
        "blockHash": "d6893b30850b3fad44e0da7296d14e099fe6c8f3a54e26437d9a93b47bf403b4",
        "time": 1690198349,
        "s1": "n1GN91byHmHGvvKTsDp15dcQzF5cekVCPy",
        "s2": "2e3d9b2c5ee988c2462d4a9a35be6986e8124092b62adf651d0b7d7cbcd11697",
        "p": {
          "s4": "{\"t\": <TAG>, \"a\": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], \"c\": <CONDITION>}"

Get offers feed

> /rpc/getbarteronfeed <REQUEST_JSON>
  "result": "success",
    "data": [
      { offer_instance },
      { offer_instance },

    "lang": "en", // en, ru, etc
    "tags": [1,2,3], // Tags for filter offers
    "location": "ABC", // location like 'ABC%'
    "priceMax": 1000, // 0 for unuse
    "priceMin": 0, // 0 for unuse
    "search": "String for fulltext search in Caption and Description",
    // Pagination
    "topHeight": 100, // Top height for start pagination
    "pageStart": 0, // Number of first page
    "pageSize": 10, // Count of offers in page
    "orderBy": "height", // height | location | price
    "orderDesc": true, // true | false

Get potencial offer deals

> /rpc/getbarterondeals <REQUEST_JSON>
  "result": "success",
    "data": [
      { offer_instance },
      { offer_instance },

    "addresses": ["ADDRESS1", "ADDRESS2"], // Filter potencial offers with these account addresses
    "excludeAddresses": ["ADDRESS3", "ADDRESS4"], // Filter potencial offers by excluding offers with these addresses
    "location": "v3g9s%", // An SQLite3 language expression to be used with `LIKE` operator when comparing locations
    "priceMax": 1000, // Maximal offer price
    "priceMin": 10, // Minimal offer price
    "search": "%some text%", // Fulltext search in offer's title and description
    "mytags": [1,3,4], // Filter potencial offers by the tags they are exchangable for
    "theirTags": [5,6,7], // Filter potencial offers by their tags
    // Pagination
    "topHeight": 100, // Top height for start pagination
    "pageStart": 0, // Number of first page
    "pageSize": 10, // Count of offers in page
    "orderBy": "height", // height | location | price
    "orderDesc": true, // true | false
location and search are literally regexp in the following format: A percent symbol ("%") matches any sequence of zero or more characters in the string. An underscore ("_") matches any single character in the string. Any other character matches itself or its lower/upper case equivalent (case-insensitive matching)
> /rpc/getbarteroncomplexdeals <REQUEST_JSON>
  "result": "success",
  "data": [
      "target": { offer_instance },
      "intermediates": [
        { offer_instance },
        { offer_instance },
      "target": ...

    "myTag": 10,
    "theirTags": [1,2,3],
    "location": "ABC%",
    "excludeAddresses": ["ADDRESS1", "ADDRESS2"]
location and excludeAddresses are used to filter both target and intermediate offers
TODO pagination

Get offer details

> /rpc/getbarteronoffersdetails <REQUEST_JSON>
  "result": "success",
    "data": {
      "offerScores": [
        { score_tx },
        { score_tx },
      "comments": [
        { comment_tx },
        { comment_tx },
      "commentScores": [
        { comment_score_tx },
        { comment_score_tx },
      "accounts": [
        { account_tx_with_additional_info },
        { account_tx_with_additional_info },

  "offerIds": ["offerId1", "offerId2"], // Offer ids to get details for
  "includeAccounts": true,
  "includeScores": true,
  "includeComments": true,
  "includeCommentScores": true
account_tx_with_additional_info has the same format as in getbarteronaccounts request
If includeSmth is not specified in request then there will be no smth at all in response json.
score_tx, comment_tx, comment_score_tx and account_tx_with_additional_info are just raw transactions and relationships between them and offers should be built on client side.